November 2018 CFF Fishing Reports

Dick Law traveled to the Grand Ronde River with several friends. They fished out of Troy for several days. He reported the fishing was very slow with only 1 steelhead taken for their group.

We had to cancel our Nov 10th Kilchis River fish-a-long this month due to super low water conditions and also very low numbers so fish. However, some good fishing reports rolled in just before the season closed on Nov 15; something to keep in mind for next year!

Ed Rabinowe, Jim Romero and Lane Hoffman journeyed to Louisiana for Redfish. The weather was unseasonably cold but they had good action, all landing Redfish over 25lbs. Jim’s 1st red was 28lbs and Ed claimed big fish honors with a 34lb pig! A brushy purple streamer was the best fly.

Greg O’Brien and a buddy made a couple trips to the Oregon Coast for surf perch. On his first trip the ocean was calm with a low surf swell and they had good action casting & stripping flies within 50’ of the beach in 1-3’ of water. The biggest were about 12” long and are excellent eating. They also had a surprise catch, a nice Dungeness crab! The second trip had a larger 4-6’ swell and more tidal current, making for difficult fishing conditions and only 1 perch was taken. The best fishing outfit was a single hand rod rigged with a sinking line and a stripping basket for line management as the tide rips around your legs. They also tried a double hand rod but the thicker spey line got pulled all over by the currents and didn’t work as well. Lastly, remember to be safe and wear some sort of PFD and never turn your back on the ocean!

Carson Taylor made the wisest fishing choice, opting for Grand Bahama Island. Fishing the east end of the island near Freeport, he landed both Bonefish and Mutton Snapper.

Great job everyone, another fun and interesting fly fishing month!

November CFF Auction -Redington VICE Rod/Reel Outfit

You will be bidding on a 9′ 5wt 4 piece Redington VICE rod/reel outfit.  This auction is open to paid up CFF members only.

The rod is “a fast action high performance for today’s modern fly angling tactics. It features crisp blank recovery and a light swing weight for delivering flies of all sizes with ease.”

The reel is a large arbor sturdy cast aluminum iD 5/6 fly reel pre-spooled with backing, fly line, and leader.  It has a rulon disc drag and is customizable with decals available from Redington.

The outfit comes with a case and retails for $299.95.

To make a bid go to the Auction button.  The auction ends Monday, 11/26.

Please let me know ( if you have questions.

Black Friday Fish-a-long

Royal Treatment Fly Fishing is hosting their 4th annual Black Friday Fish-a-long this Friday. Click the link to sign up so they know you’re coming.

Meet at Surf City, downstream from Maupin at 11:00 for a “Stone Soup Potluck.” Royal Treatment will supply the hotdogs and chili, you bring whatever else you want to eat.

The firepit will be there to warm frosty fingers.

Josh will have his livingroom couches pumped up to give you a place to chill. We may even have a Corn Hole tournament if there is enough interest, but the Fly Czar will be giving a Czech Nymphing Clinic once he has finished his lunch. You don’t want to miss that.

Fly Tying: November, 2018

Fly Tying 101: Beginning Fly Tying—Tools, Tips, and Techniques


Fly fishing is a great pastime and there are few things in the sport as satisfying as landing a fish on a fly that was created by your own hands. Do you have an interest in fly tying but you don’t know where to start? Do the terms whip finisher, dubbing loop, bobbin, and hair stacker make your head spin because they sound like part of a foreign language? Or have you attended a previous Fly Tying Night and went away discouraged when you came to the quick realization that you were in way over your head?


It has been almost two years since we have offered a night of fly tying specifically aimed at folks that are really novices, including those that have never tied a single fly. So we will be going back to the basics in November, covering the standard tools and techniques that you will need to get started on a very interesting and rewarding hobby. Everyone should walk away with at least one fly that is ready to be field tested on the water. And who knows, with the holiday season just around the corner, you may end up with some great ideas for this year’s Santa Claus wish list.

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So join us for an evening of beginning level fly tying on Wednesday, November 28th. We’ll be meeting at The Royal Treatment Fly Shop in West Linn at 6:00 p.m. Bring your own fly tying tools if you have them. If you don’t have any equipment come anyway. Our friends at The Royal Treatment will loan you everything you need. Hope to see you there!


Nov 10 Fish-A-Long Cancelled

Hi Everyone, we’ve decided to cancel tomorrows Fish-A-Long.

Lane Hoffman drove down to the coast today and reports the water is very low and there were very few fish. The fish that were present were beat up & lock-jawed. Icy road conditions on and the drive over in the morning was the final nail in the coffin.

Some other local options for the weekend:
-Tomorrow is the Pacific NW Fly Tyers Rendezvous
-Several of the Oregon Fishing Club Ponds have recently been stocked with trout including the ones we fish the most; Rainier and Highland Lakes.
-The Clackamas River at McIver Park has a few summer steelhead available.

CFF November 10th Fish-A-Long

This months Fish-A-Long will be held Saturday November 10th. It’s our annual trip to the Kilchis River fishing for Chum Salmon. This is a popular, well attended CFF trip fishing for big, strong, hard fighting Chum salmon. Early reports have confirmed this should be a banner year for Chum returns to the Tillamook areas streams.

What– Chum Salmon

Where– meet at Kilchis River Park

When– 8am Saturday the 10th of November

Equipment-7 to 10wt rods with matching reel & floating & sink tip lines with at least 100 yards of backing / 6 to 10 ft leaders tapered to 15 to 20 pound test / Bright colored flies, bright both weighted and unweighted in size 2 to 6-I’ll have extras / Long nose pliers, Chums have big sharp teeth / Waders & wading staff. The Kilchis in not a hard river to wade / Rain gear, it’s the Oregon coast / Warm, layered clothing

Directions– take highway OR- 6 to Tillamook, then head North on Hwy 101 to the Kilchis river road. Take the Kilchis river road & when you pass the gravel pit take a right over the wooden bridge well meet at the parking lot of the boat launch on the left. Instruction and extra equipment will be provided. I will be down checking on the fishing conditions Friday the 9th. Check the blog for updates before heading over.

Chum salmon are very strong and put up a stubborn battle. If you have never caught on of these 10 to 20 pound bruisers, this trip is for you! It’s usually a real fun action packed outing that shouldn’t be missed, hope to see you there! Questions, email Paul Brewer or call Lane Hoffman 503-706-7543.

Oct 29 to 31 Deschutes River Report

Last week I had the chance to fish with Mark Bachmann of The Fly Fishing Shop for 3 days (Mon-Tues-Weds). It was an auction trip thru Water Watch and the winner of the auction was unable to make the trip and they need a volunteer to fill the open seat. Twist my arm!

Mark met us at the Macks Canyon boat launch in his jet boat, then we motored a couple miles downstream to camp where Patty had lunch waiting for us. Besides myself there was only one other angler on this trip, Rick Dulude from Salem; a member of the Santiam Flycasters, he won this trip thru the Deschutes River Alliance auction. We had a great time fishing together.

Our camp was very comfortable and Patty took good care of us with hot meals and hot coffee available 24/7. The days were crisp, the nights were clear, the moon was mostly dark and the stars were very bright.

I hadn’t seen the lower river canyon after the Substation Fire. It was a little shocking to see the scorched hillsides but on the other hand, there was lots of new green growth beginning to show. Still, it will take a while for all the trees to grow back. What was truly shocking were all the deer bones we found along the riverbanks. We speculated the deer were overcome and died from smoke inhalation before the flames of the fire overtook them. On the good side, there were lots of live deer around.

The water was a little off color from the White River, which was gushing muddy water due to heavy rains on Mt Hood. The water temperature was 51 degrees, a good temperature to chase trout and steelhead. The salmon spawning activity was over for the year. As far as insect activity, there was a big midge hatch in the afternoons and some small mayflies mid morning. The ever present small caddis were around along with a few big October caddis. Mark broke out his insect seine and we netted some bugs: the nymphs were a combination of small dark mayflies (size 16 or 18) and decent sized tan or green caddis larva (size 12 or 14).

Rick stuck to steelhead fishing and had a good morning on our 2nd day, hooking two and landing one native steelhead on a December Day fly pattern. He also had several more pulls that didn’t stick.

For a while, I tried skating a Lemire’s Grease Liner given to me by Adrian Cortes at the Fly Fishing Symposium a couple weeks ago. At first I was determined to stick with the skater “as long as it took” but that didn’t last long as the riffle next to me was full of flashing trout and whitefish that I couldn’t resist. I put on a nymphing rig and started catching fish. I tried both indicator and Euro nymphing tactics. Euro nymphing was far more effective; it’s a technique I’ve only just started trying out but I’ll be doing it a lot more, it’s a winner! I tried lots of different flies, but the best patterns were zebra midges and hares ear nymphs, both in size 14.




President’s Message November 2018


The holidays are fast approaching as is some opportunities for some fun fishing.  With the rain you can target Searun Cutthroat Trout, Chum, and maybe a early Steelhead.

Our October speaker was Scott Richmond, who talked about his Magic Fly box. It was a combination of wet and dry flies that work for many different types of water and conditions. It was interesting and entertaining for those who attended.

This month we welcome Jeff Morgan who will be speaking on Winter Fly Fishing.  As we will soon facing winter this should be a timely topic so make a note to attend.

The fish-a-long at Pine Hollow Reservoir was well attended and everyone caught fish.  To top it off it was a calm sunny day which made it even more enjoyable for the six members who attended on Saturday. In fact a few even fished on Sunday as it was productive.

Of course the next fish-a-long is for Chum Salmon on the Kilchis River.  We are looking at Saturday 11/10/18  to give it a try, conditions permitting.  Lane Hoffman will be hosting this event and he is always available to help in technique, rigging, and may have a few flies to share.  It is a fun day so do not miss it.

Coming up on 12/18/18 is our December meeting where we have a gift for everyone who attends as well as great program so mark it on your calendar.

Do not forget our sponsors as they are the lifeblood of our club. Stop by their shops to say hello and thank them for their support. Better yet buy something or book a trip to really underscore our gratitude for their support.

Gil Henderson

CFF October Fishing Reports

Hi everyone, here are some reports from our members for the month of October. It was another good fly fishing month!

John Warren landed a small Chinook and also a nice Half Pounder Steelhead on the Rogue using a small green leech with a 6 weight. Good times!

Carson Taylor journeyed to Yakutat the last week of September along with Pat Miller and Don Nelson of River City Fly Shop. They fished the Arhnkiln River. The colored fish was the biggest and strongest and the other the brightest. Everyone caught 20+ silvers over four days plus some Dolly Vardens. Guide-provided Dolly Llama flies were the most popular pattern.

Dave Kilhefner tried his hand at Euro Nymphing on the Clackamas River at Feldheimers. There is a nice riffle above the boat launch. He took several decent rainbow trout and whitefish using a zebra midge and also a small hairs ear nymph.

Frank Day of the Fly Fishing Shop got this nice Bull Trout on the Metolius River casting & stripping a streamer pattern.

Phil Hager got this brood stock brute at the Pine Hollow Fish-A-Long. He used his little grey mayfly emerger pattern, fished about 4 feet deep with an intermediate line and a very slow retrieve.